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View Full Calendar Digital Transformation Institute Workshop: "Machine Learning for a Resilient, Secure, Carbon-Free Electricity Supply"

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Sponsor Digital Transformation Institute
Jun 18, 2021   11:00 am  

Electricity is the lifeblood of our society, and providing a reliable and efficient electricity supply is key to ensuring its welfare and sustainable economic growth. Modern power systems are experiencing fundamental transformations in structure and functionality driven by the integration of new technologies; these include renewable-based generation, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), advanced sensors and controls.

This integration creates new opportunities to make power systems more efficient and reliable, but they also pose numerous operational challenges. For example, renewable-based generation, while enabling electricity decarbonization, increases power supply variability and uncertainty. In addition, the increased reliance on advanced sensors and distributed control schemes for DER coordination poses serious cybersecurity and privacy issues.

On three consecutive Fridays in June, this workshop will explore three major domains in power systems—dynamics, control, and protection; cybersecurity and privacy; and markets and optimization—and their relationship to capabilities emerging from machine learning and artificial intelligence research to address the aforementioned challenges. Each day of the workshop will focus on one of the three domains by bringing together four experts to give a talk and then take part in a panel discussion that involves answering questions from the audience.

Registration is required to participate in this event, but you can also stream the workshop live during the event.

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